Riverside County Schools

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Course Offerings

A-G Core Courses:
A-G English and Language Arts (I-IV)
A-G Social Studies (World History, US History, Government/Economics)
A-G Math (Algebra, Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus)
A-G Science (Living Earth, Biology, Chemistry, Physics)

CTE Pathway Courses:
CTE Photography Pathway
CTE Entrepreneurship Pathway
CTE Anatomy/Physiology Pathway
CTE Game Design Pathway
CTE Manufacturing Pathway
CTE Engineering Pathway
CTE Automotive Pathway
CTE Public Safety Pathway
CTE Hospitality Pathway
CTE Human Development/Services Pathway

Other Courses and Electives:
Spanish I-III
Visual Arts
Physical Education
Internship I-II
CAASSP Prep (ELA and Math)


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