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Homeschool Learning Centers & Classes

k-8 learning center calendar

k-8 learning center schedules high school learning center calendar High School Learning Center Schedules

Springs Charter Schools proudly offers regional learning centers in Chula Vista, Corona, Hemet, Murrieta, Rancho Cucamonga, Riverside, Santa Ana, Temecula, and Vista. Learning center courses are supplemental to our homeschool program and offer a classroom setting for TK through 12th-grade students to enjoy one or two days onsite each week.

Our learning center program for TK-8 students is intended to complement your child’s homeschooling experience. Many classes are thematic in nature, including history, science, and visual & performing arts, as well as core classes such as math and writing offer targeted academic support.

Springs offers both in-person and virtual courses for hybrid and virtual high school students in Journey and Venture Online programs. High School Learning Center offers A-G courses and electives where students have direct instruction from a credentialed teacher and a space to collaborate and build relationships with other students.

Our High School Learning Center staff is AVID-trained and utilizes those strategies to ensure all students have access to first best instruction and learning opportunities. High School Learning Center continues to offer a rewarding and safe learning environment for all students.

Our current offerings include:

  • Two days per week High School Learning Center courses are held at: Hemet Girard, Temecula Enterprise, and Riverside Pathfinder.
  • One day per week in person with one day of virtual learning is held at Cherry Valley.
  • Virtual Course sessions are twice per week with three scheduled in-person optional days at the Rancho Cucamonga and Santa Ana sites.
christian-web Name: Christian Abts
Age: 13 Grade: 8
I chose: Riverside Learning Center
Why? To take workshops while having fun in a great learning environment.
Christian says: “The learning center helps me pursue my interest in robotics
because of the First Lego League workshop. I have been on our competition
team for 4 years and I love going to Lego Land to compete with our First
Lego League team. This year I am taking ASB for the first time and it is an
outstanding workshop! I love getting to dive deep behind the scenes in how
the school fundraisers work and the process of making our annual yearbook.”
Christian wants to be an Imagineer for Disney and he is also interested in
prop making and costume design. His advice to new students is, “To not be
afraid, the teachers are great and you will learn about your interests more in-depth and make new friends.”


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