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Secretary of State - Register to Vote Secretario de Estado - Registrarse para votar

Make your VOICE heard: Use the buttons above to Register to Vote. Check if you are registered to vote and if so, in what county. If you are 16 or 17 years old, you can use this online registration application to pre-register to vote. For more information on registering to vote you may want to visit the Secretary of State’s Frequently Asked Questions.

All charter schools in California are public schools. They are non-sectarian, tuition-free, and open to any student who wishes to attend. Charter schools allow parents, teachers, and the community to transform our public school system. #SchoolChoice is a powerful tool for parents seeking access to quality education for their children.

Use the links below to explore advocacy efforts from organizations across the state and find out how you can get involved.

California Charter Schools Association Aplus Personalized Learning Network
Voice for Choice

Springs In The News:

Kathleen Hermsmeyer, superintendent of Springs Charter Schools, wrote an opinion article on AB 1316, a bill harmful to charter schools in California, for the Riverside Press Enterprise and its sister publications which appeared May 3. Click here to read the article.

Check out our entire series of short videos about
how to support all schools of choice in California:







I feel excited when Pride Period comes along because it helps myself being aware of grades and my work ethic. I get super excited when I get to learn about a subject that interests me!

- Paige M., Student
High School
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