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"I CAN!" Checklists for Each Grade Level (Math and Language Arts)

TK-8 “I CAN!” Program

Our TK-8 “I CAN!” Program is foundational Math and Language Arts standards written in student-friendly language. We at Springs Charter Schools believe that students benefit when they take ownership of their learning. The “I Can!” program encourages students to set educational goals and create plans to achieve those goals. These skills and goals are supported by Springs Teachers.

Each student will have their own I CAN! folder for Homeschool or I CAN! Student Trackers for Venture, Virtual Village, and Academies that the teacher will use to help set goals with the student. Springs has also created 3rd-8th I CAN! courses to provide information, practice, and assessments for each key standard.

I CAN! ELA TK-8 I CAN! Math TK-8


High School “I CANs!”

High School “I Cans!” are the primary skills that are taught in each High School Core course.  These are monitored by the Academy Teacher or ES to ensure that students master the key concepts necessary for each course.  Please contact your ES or Academy Teacher to review the “I Cans!” and any associated support materials for the specific courses your student is enrolled in.


My child’s teacher maintains constant communication and seeks feedback on a regular basis. This is overwhelmingly valuable as it pertains to being involved in the learning process.

- Parent
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