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College Bound Students Resources

College Bound Student Resources ACT – General information about the ACT college entrance exam, free practice tests, ACT test dates, ACT registration, ACT scores, college and career planning.

Bureau of Labor Statistics – The Bureau of Labor Statistics is the principal fact-finding agency for the Federal Government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics.

California Colleges Explorer – California’s official source for college and career planning

California Student Aid Commission – This site is designed to assist you to search for state, federal, and institutional financial aid information for funding post-high school education.

College Navigator – Search for the college of your choice, and find specific information regarding college tuition, financial aid, admission, retention and graduation rates, varsity athletic teams, accreditation, and more.

Community College – The California Community Colleges System provides educational, vocational, and transfer programs to more than 2.6 million students constituting the largest system of higher education in the world.

CSS Profile – The financial aid application service of the College Board — a national, 100-year-old, not-for-profit membership association. Many of the member colleges, universities, graduate and professional schools, and scholarship programs use the information collected on PROFILE to help them award nonfederal student aid funds.

CSU Mentor – How to plan for and apply to California State University.

FAFSA – Free application for federal student aid.

FastWeb – Find scholarships, internships, and jobs.

Finaid – A guide to financial aid including information about scholarships, loans, savings, military aid, and other types of aid.

Fund Your Future – A publication of the California Student Aid Commission

National Collegiate Athletic Association – The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is a voluntary organization through which the nation’s colleges and universities govern their athletics programs.

Occupational Outlook Handbook – The Occupational Outlook Handbook is a nationally recognized source of career information, designed to provide valuable assistance to individuals making decisions about their future work lives.

PSAT – PSAT/NMSQT stands for Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. It’s a standardized test that provides firsthand practice for the SAT Reasoning Test™. It also gives you a chance to enter National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) scholarship programs.

SAT – Nearly every college in America accepts the SAT or Subject Tests as a part of its admissions process. That’s why more than two million students take the SAT every year. Learn more about the SAT and SAT Subject Tests, register online, and view and send your SAT scores. To find out the qualifications for receiving an SAT fee waiver click here.


The Springs Internship program gave me the opportunity to find careers I find interesting and to explore them with real life experience. This has helped me understand what I might want to do after high school.

- Stewart V., Student
High School
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