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How to Select a Curriculum

Is there only one set of curriculum materials that we are able to use?

No. There is a wide range of curriculum materials available from which to choose in developing a well-rounded, rigorous curriculum that meets your students’ unique needs. Orders can be made from the many Springs Charter School approved vendors. For the complete Approved Vendor list, click here.  There are also options to purchase from our in-house Book Mart, where our most popular curriculum is available. We also offer a Curriculum Warehouse for supplemental materials.

How much flexibility in selecting curriculum do I have? What is required and what is optional?

You have tremendous flexibility in selecting curriculum that will help to meet your students’ academic needs, as well as suit his/her individual learning style and interests. Our charter school requires seven growth areas in which a child’s learning needs to be concentrated. These growth areas are: Language Arts, Life Skills, History, Mathematics, Science, and Special Interests. Within these seven growth areas there is a wide variety of curriculum from which to choose. There may be additional requirements depending on the Homeschool program your students are enrolled in. For example, High School students and those in our Math Path program, do have some curriculum guidelines.

Am I solely responsible for choosing curriculum for my child’s education?

No. Your Education Specialist (ES) works with you to choose the appropriate curriculum for your child. The ES is familiar with a number of curriculum choices available, as well as teaching approaches, learning styles and how to access additional information. Your ES will take some of the following into consideration when helping to make curricular decisions:

  • What is the student’s learning style?
  • What are the student’s academic needs and goals?
  • What instructional approaches have been the most successful with the student?

Is there a list of general curriculum requirements by grade level that I can review?

Yes. Many of the specific requirements will be discussed with your ES. Generally, our “I Can!” skills are used as guidelines for content. The K-8 “I Can!” skills can be found here.  A monthly Learning Plan is developed with your ES each month to set instructional goals. Students are expected to work daily in both Language Arts and Math, while also working towards the monthly goals for the remaining courses. For High School, students are required to read one novel per semester and follow the content requirements outlined in our High School Course Descriptions.

Where can I get ideas on choosing the right curriculum that will meet my child’s individual learning needs?

Your ES is very knowledgeable about many of the curriculum choices available, and can assist you in selecting materials that will be a good fit for your child.

Are some vendor’s curriculum programs better than others?

It depends on your child’s needs. The important thing is to select materials that best meet the individual learning style and needs of your child. Your ES can help advise you in selecting curriculum that is a good fit.

What if I would like to order materials from a vendor that is not on your approved vendor list?

We have a procedure for vendor approval. Your ES submits a vendor approval form to our Purchasing Department. All information, including address and phone number of the vendor, needs to be filled out so that bookkeeping can contact them to discuss their shipping and billing practices. The request for the approval of a specific vendor is considered using the criteria for vendor approval.  Please keep in mind that California State law prohibits our public school from ordering materials through religious-based distributors. The ES will be notified of the status of the approval of a vendor. If you don’t hear back from us about your vendor request, please contact your ES to make sure we received the necessary paperwork.

Does the school provide any subscriptions to online programs?

Yes! We have subscriptions to several programs available to be used as an instructional resource and curriculum supplement. Additional individual subscription services can be purchased from approved vendors with ES approval using designated Instructional Funds.

I have heard about the new Common Core Standards. What are they?

The Common Core State Standards are a set of Language Arts and math learning goals for students that have been voluntarily adopted by many states, including California. These are not federally mandated, national standards. They were developed in collaboration by state leaders, teachers, researchers, and experts in the field of education. The purpose of the Common Core is to help prepare students for both college and career. The benefit of having a set of standards that are not exclusive to each individual state is that learning tools and resources can be shared collaboratively.


My favorite subject in school is English because I am a writer. English helps me to better appreciate the many different writing genres, cultures, and literature. It also helps me greatly improve my writing skills.

- Paige M., Student
High School
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