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Special Education

The mission of the Springs Charter Special Education Department is to identify and provide services to students who meet federal and state criteria as a student with a disability. Staff is committed to providing a caring community that empowers students to become active members of the school and society, based on their individual strengths and abilities. Parent involvement is considered essential in meeting the diverse academic, emotional, and social needs of each student. Special education staff seeks to integrate general and special education services with staff working together to promote successful and positive futures for all students.

Contact Special Education

Tel: (951) 225-7736

Special Education Senior Director: Courtney Cook

Contact Courtney Cook
Phone: (951) 225-7733
El Dorado County SELPA Governance Documents



I love how my three daughters can all attend Springs Charter Schools simultaneously when they are in elementary, middle, and high school. We are a lot closer as a family.

- Natascha, Parent
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