PE Test

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PE Test

Physical Fitness Testing

All 5th, 7th, and 9th-grade students in the state of California are given the Physical Fitness Test (PFT). This test does not count as part of your child’s grade, but it is required by the state to ensure children are active and healthy according to national fitness standards. The main goal of the test is to help students in starting life-long habits of regular physical activity. California uses the FITNESSGRAM® program to measure students in six areas. However, California removed the BMI test in 2022.  California currently requires five parts be completed annually that show a level of fitness that offers a degree of defense against diseases that come from inactivity.

  • Aerobic Capacity: 20-meter PACER
  • Upper Body Strength: PUSH-UPS
  • Abdominal Strength: CURL-UP
  • Flexibility: Shoulder Stretch Left/Right
  • Trunk Extensions and Flexibility: TRUNK LIFT

When is the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) given?

Springs gives the PFT test in February and March of each school year. 

  • Academy students are tested by their teachers during the regular school day. Parents will be notified of the exact days for testing by their schools.
  • Independent Learning Program (ILP) students (Homeschool, Venture, Virtual Academy, Keys, Montessori Voyage) are asked to attend one of the testing locations in their area. Parents will receive a list of testing sites and days to choose the most convenient location. 
    • As of 2023, ILP students attending Learning Centers will be tested during one of their classes. 
PE Testing Schedule

Why is physical fitness important?

Physical fitness has been shown to help children handle stress and control weight; build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints; increase self-esteem and the capacity for learning; and strengthen peer relationships.

What is done to assist students with injuries or disabilities on the PFT?

Certain variations or accommodations may be provided for students with disabilities who need special assistance on the PFT. Variations or accommodations should be specified in the student’s individualized education program (IEP) or Section 504 Plan, if applicable. Students must complete as much of the test as they are physically able to. Modifications can be made to the different subtests to accommodate students with injuries or disabilities. Students are required to test in all areas not affected by the disability or injury. 

How can parents and guardians best prepare their students for the test?

To help students prepare for the test, parents, and guardians can be positive role models and encourage family physical activities.  Students should also be familiar with each of the tests by practicing them often.  To reduce injuries, it is also important to make sure students have the proper form for some of these tests. Familiarity is the key to a successful, stress-free testing experience.

Listed below are video examples of the various subtests to help you become more familiar with the testing requirements. Three of the subtests require students to follow a cadence. These links are provided the allow students to practice the exercise.

Aerobic Capacity 20 meter Pacer Test Directions 20 meter Pacer Test Cadence
Trunk Extensions and Flexibility Trunk Lift N/A
Upper Body Strength Push-up Directions Push up Cadence
Abdominal Strength Curl-up Directions Curl up Cadence
Flexibility Shoulder Stretch Directions N/A

When can parents and guardians expect to receive their student’s PFT results?

ILP students (Homeschool, Venture, Virtual Academy, Keys, Montessori Voyage) who participate in the PFT at one of our testing locations will be given their scores upon completion of the test.  

Academy students may take up to three weeks to receive the test results.

How do school districts and schools use the PFT results?

The PFT results are designed to be used in several ways. 

  • Schools can use the results to determine the fitness levels of their students and provide direction for physical education programs. 
  • Students also can be encouraged to use the results to develop a fitness program of maintenance or improvement. 
  • Parents and guardians can use the results to help their students plan fitness activities that meet their individual needs.
  • School districts and schools should also use the results to monitor the fitness status of students in grades five, seven, and nine.

Find more information for the California Physical Fitness Test here >>

Find more information for FITNESSGRAM® here >> 


I felt excited and curious to learn when my Biology teacher told us about how amazing the science of living things is and how cells are in all living things, like even tiny organisms.

- Katelyn J., Student
High School
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