Getting to college can be a daunting task with many examinations and deadlines to think about. The best thing you can do for yourself is to stay informed and be prepared. The links below will provide you with a great deal of helpful information. If you have further questions please contact the guidance department at 951-252-8833.
Below are the dates for PSAT, SAT, ACT and other important test dates for the 2018-2019 school year:
Test Date | Test |
8/25/2018 | SAT & SAT Subject Tests |
9/8/2018 | ACT Test Date |
10/6/2018 | SAT & SAT Subject Tests |
10/10/2018………. | PSAT/NMSQT |
10/20/2018 | CHSPE Fall Administration |
10/27/2018 | ACT Test Date |
11/3/2018 | SAT & SAT Subject Tests |
12/1/2018 | SAT & SAT Subject Tests |
12/8/2018 | ACT Test Date |
2/9/2019 | ACT Test Date |
3/9/2019 | SAT & SAT Subject Tests |
3/22/2019 | CHSPE Spring Administration |
4/13/2019 | ACT Test Date |
5/4/2019 | SAT & SAT Subject Tests |
6/1/2019 | SAT & SAT Subject Tests |
6/8/2019 | ACT Test Date |
College Exams
Advanced Placement Exams