Springs’ San Fernando Valley Personalized Learning Center has opened for the new school year serving 39 students grades K-6. Students are attending virtually, and will return to in-person learning at a San Fernando Valley site as state restrictions on in-person instruction are lifted.
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Construction is underway at Springs’ Palm Academy’s new facility, reported Shawna Lewis, who is serving as principal for both Palm Academy and the Del Rio Student Center. Most recently, food services visited the site to map out the kitchen floor plan, and the facilities team visited to assess progress.
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The Albertsons Companies Foundation gave Springs a $10,000 “Nourishing Neighbors” grant to help provide meals for the needy in the community. Springs serves breakfast and lunch to students in need at selected sites as part of its participation in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. The grant funds will be used to pay for food, as well as transportation and PPE for staff members distributing food.
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The Corona Student Center welcomed a new 2nd/3rd teacher, Kayla Kubo. She received her teaching credential and masters in teaching from California Baptist University; before coming to the Center she taught reading and writing interventions with students grades TK-2nd grade. Other new staff includes site facilitator Morgan Ford and custodian Andy Walker.
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Springs 8th grade Homeschool student Gwyneth Mcintyre, 13, will exhibit her award-winning research project at the Riverside County Office of Education’s Virtual Science and Engineering Fair Expo 2020 event on September 26, 2020. Her project explored what type of toothpaste would protect her teeth best.
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Springs’ Santa Ana Student Center (SASC) held its first-ever Kindergarten drive-in promotion; click here to see images from the event. The 8th grade also enjoyed a drive-in promotion ceremony, with each student being honored with a Legacy award. Click here to see the Legacy awards.
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Alessio Sasso, 18, is a 2020 graduate of Springs’ Venture Online Program. He began riding motorbikes at age 3, racing at 6 and competing at 12. Although he is sidelined currently recovering from an injury, he plans on becoming a professional motocross and supercross athlete.
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Springs’ Magnolia Student Center ACE and 2017 Homeschool graduate Bella Cantu received a two-year Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship from Cal State University San Bernardino; her proposed research topic is: Educational challenges resulting from the COVID-19 crisis among minority students and faculty.
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In Springs’ Bear River Student Center staffing news, the school has a new program facilitator, Dontae Jelks. Additionally, two ACEs, Erin Heredia and Tom Fagot, recently earned bachelor’s degrees, Ms. Heredia’s in psychology and Mr. Fagot’s in Applied Studies.
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