News and Announcements

Magnolia “How-to”, Halloween Events

September 20, 2023

Springs’ Magnolia Academy held a “how-to” event for parents, reported Principal Jessica Holland. Parents were invited on-campus for informational sessions on Canvas for elementary, middle, and high school school, safety preparedness and Springs’ standard response protocol, PTSA, the 7th/8th-grade camp field trip, attendance for seat-based, concurrent enrollment and FAFSA help, online programs, and tips to improve reading and math fluency.

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Journey Sophomore Starts Plant Business

September 20, 2023

Journey Homeschool High School 10th grade student Sebastian Wilds has launched a new business, “Plant Wilds LLC”.  ES Elizabeth Solt reported, “While he only sells carnivorous plants, which are currently endangered in the wild, he does in fact have a deep passion for ALL plants. He plans to add an educational component to his business to help inform the public about these stunning and unusual plants.”

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Hemet Quest Pep Rally, New Turf

September 20, 2023

Principal Eric Ballard reports that the Hemet Quest Student Center held its first pep rally, with the 1st and 3rd grades winning the Spirit Award for the month. He also noted that students were making good use of the new turf installed on the grounds over the summer.

This year, the school is serving 570 students in grades TK-5.

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New Staff, Patriot Day Celebration

September 20, 2023

Springs’ Keys, Arrow, and High School Learning Centers welcomed new staff members:

Marissa Nelson – High School Learning Center English teacher

Brandon Ung – High School Learning Center English teacher

April Holemo – Keys and Arrow education specialist

Steven Garay – Keys and Arrow math aide

Sam Spears – Keys and Arrow instructional aide

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Cherry Valley Holds RAD Week

September 12, 2023

Springs’ Cherry Valley Student Center began its school year with RAD (Reduce Anxiety and Depression) Week, reported Principal Tammy Slaten, “by encouraging our students to develop on a social-emotional level prior to the start of the curriculum. We realize students need to feel a sense of belonging before they can focus academically and we take pride in our RAD Week and the amazing community it brings.”

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Virtual Village Kicks Off School Year

September 12, 2023

Springs’ Virtual Village—Montessori Voyage and Virtual Academy—had a strong start to the school year, reported Lisa Fahrenkamp, program facilitator II, with the program growing to more than 300 students. Kick-off events included an open house, in which parents and students had the chance to meet staff, Spirit Week, and Menifee Park Day. Also in the works is the first field trip to Safari Park in San Diego.

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Enterprise Begins Year with Improvements

August 29, 2023

Springs Enterprise Learning Center has begun the year with many improvements underway at the site. A new fence is helping with student safety and has allowed the Center to expand its playground area. Other improvements include a new Kindergarten classroom, multipurpose room, Parent Hub collaborative workspace, and a special education suite.

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Corona to Move to New Facility in 2024-25

August 29, 2023

The Corona Student Center, serving 207 students in grades K-8, has begun classes for its final year in its present location. In the 202425 school year, the center will relocate to a new location on Compton Avenue in Corona which will have 45,000 square feet of space and 29 classrooms allowing it to serve more students, reported Principal E.J. Whitehead.

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Six Lead Homeschool in New School Year

August 21, 2023

With the increasing number of students joining Springs homeschool programs, Senior Director Tammy Jackson reported, “We are excited to share that this year’s leadership team comprises six homeschool leaders.” The six include: Nancy BranchaudRebecca FabozziRenee HansonJacquelyn HunterApril Jacoby, and Lori Loucks.

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