News and Announcements

Rancho Cucamonga Celebrates Reading

March 9, 2022

Springs’ Rancho Cucamonga Learning Center teachers Leana Viramontes and Ann Woodruff facilitated the Center’s leadership class to celebrate author Dr. Seuss through read-alouds, games and crafts for the school’s kinder buddies in honor of Read Across America Week.

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Rancho Cucamonga Student Center Reopens

March 12, 2021

After nearly a year of virtual learning, Springs’ Rancho Cucamonga Student Center welcomed students’ grades K-6 back to the campus at 25% capacity for hybrid learning on March 8. The school had been closed to students due to the pandemic lockdown. 

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Rancho Cucamonga Learning Center 8th Grader has Perfect Score on CAASPP Testing Two Years in a Row

June 25, 2020

Reginald Carr, 14, of Fontana, who has just completed the 8th grade with Springs’ Rancho Cucamonga Learning Center’s Discovery Program, for two years in a row earned perfect CAASPP scores in language arts and mathematics.  He said, “I am proud of this accomplishment. I feel that staying consistent with my studies throughout the school year helped me achieve this success.” Continue reading

Rancho Cucamonga Center Volleyball, Spelling Bee

December 17, 2018

The Rancho Cucamonga Learning Center has started its volleyball season, with 22 students grades 4-8 participating. The team practices at the school site during the week, and plays games on a sand court at Riverside Park. Austin Arnett is serving as coach. Continue reading

ULAB High School Program Changes

April 12, 2018
As the 2018- 2019 school year is quickly approaching, it is important that the Springs Rancho Cucamonga Personalized Learning Center update our families on changes within our ULAB High School program.

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