News and Announcements

ORAA “Fun and Celebrations”

June 15, 2023

Springs’ Otay Ranch Academy for the Arts (ORAA) finished off its 9th year with “fun and celebrations,” reported Melissa Maguire, vice principal. Eighth graders took a field trip to Fort Cross, where they worked on their team building and outdoor education.  Second graders had a Movie Night with their families watching The Super Mario Bros. movie.

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iShine 8th Grader Promotion Poem, Painting

June 15, 2023

iShine 8th-grade student Violet Cross wrote a poem and painted a picture representing her time at iShine and her promotion to high school, reported Stacey Savin, campus coordinator. Violet is an Escondido resident who has been part of iShine since 2nd grade. She enjoys painting, reading, and the outdoors. She plans to travel the world after high school. Her painting is now hanging in the iShine lobby.

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Journey Honors Two Graduating Seniors

June 15, 2023

The staff of Springs’ Journey Homeschool High School honored two of its outstanding graduates, Juan Alatorre and Karter Fluck. Juan is the Journey Student of the Year, earning his diploma and completing a CTE pathway in Game Design. He also completed two courses for college credit and all courses required for an A-G transcript (required for any student wanting to go to a UC or Cal State University).

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Montessori Voyage, Virtual Academy Graduations

June 15, 2023

Springs’ Montessori Voyage and Virtual Academy graduated 19 Kindergarteners and seven 6th graders and 19 Kindergarteners and 19 8th graders respectively. They ended their school year with a park day promotion celebration at Wolf Creek Park in Temecula. They played games, enjoyed snacks and school leaders offered messages of encouragement.

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Director of Learning Centers Retires

June 15, 2023

Tammy Jackson, senior director of individualized learning programs, reported, “It is with great sadness that we say farewell to our incredible Marla Martindale, director of learning centers, who has been a vital member of the Springs staff for over 20 years. Marla will be retiring and now solely sharing her talents with her grandchildren and the rest of her very lucky family.”

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Learning Center Open Houses, New Classes for Fall

May 22, 2023

Families were able to enjoy open houses at Springs’ learning center sites, meeting teachers and staff, learning about resources available to them, and enjoying student projects and artwork on display. At Pathfinder, parents were able to view products created by the students enrolled in Springs’ Bizworld class, a fun, project-based entrepreneurship program that promotes financial responsibility, leadership, and teamwork skills for students.

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700 Homeschool Students Honored

May 18, 2023

Springs’ Homeschool Leadership team reported that Homeschool Staff had nominated 700 students to receive Certificates of Achievement based on ESLRs. Tammy Jackson, senior director of Individualized Learning Programs, remarked, “We love and appreciate our amazing Homeschool families, students and staff that support their unique educational journey!”

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Springs Staff Member Honored

May 18, 2023

Kathy Crudo, Springs’ college and career technician, was honored at the Empire Springs Board meeting in May by Dr. Crystal Nasio from Barstow Community College for her “exceptional” work in developing procedures to support high school students taking dual enrollment courses.  The college has adopted these procedures for use in other high school programs.

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