News and Announcements

Homeschool 8th Grader Receives Scholarship

March 28, 2024

Jedidiah McClimans, an 8th grade student with the Springs Homeschool program who lives in Riverside, has received a Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship. He was one of 27 gifted students who were awarded this fully funded, four-year high school scholarship from The Institute for Educational Advancement.

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Journey Sophomore Hopes to Become Well-Known Artist

March 28, 2024

Mia Brijandez is 10th grader in the Journey Homeschool High School program who is a “phenomenal” student, reported her ES Summer Knapp. She has a 4.39 GPA and has dual enrollment classes despite being a sophomore. She is also a gifted artist and hopes “to become a well-known artist one day and make people feel deep emotions through my creations.”

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Venture Online Student Enjoys Jiu-Jitsu

March 28, 2024

Joshua Harrington is a budding jiu-jitsu star who is also a 5th grade student in Springs’ Venture Online program. He began with jiu-jitsu at age 5 and has come to like it because “I learn how to fight, defend myself, get stronger, faster, and be brave enough to do tournaments with my dad.”  He currently trains daily with his father.

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iShine Holds Snow Ball

March 28, 2024

Springs Charter Schools’ iShine Student Center held a middle school Snow Ball with 80 students in attendance. Students enjoyed a DJ and Nacho Bar, Sarah Sims, program facilitator, said. She continued, “This was a magical evening filled with joy and laughter under the stars and twinkle lights … It was such a happy night.”

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All School Speech Meet Draws 39 Participants

March 28, 2024

Springs held an All School Speech Meet at the Temecula Event Center. Thirty-nine students participated and 34 speeches were delivered. Its purpose is to help students develop communication skills and techniques to speak audibly, articulately, expressively, and with poise and confidence in audience situations, explained Nikkole McAdoo, Events and Community Engagement Coordinator.

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Lego Express: New Santa Ana Learning Center Class

March 28, 2024

HCT Lauren Sommer is teaching Lego Express, a new class at Springs’ Santa Ana Learning Center using the first Lego League curriculum. In this exploratory class, students in grades 4-8 learn coding and engineering while building essential teamwork skills including critical thinking and problem-solving. Students work with their team members to solve problems cooperatively while demonstrating gracious professionalism.

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Students Participate in Science and Engineering Fair

March 25, 2024

Springs Charter Schools invited seven students and their projects to advance to the Riverside County Science Fair this year. The Science and Engineering Fair is a competition of projects designed, developed, and displayed by students in grades 4 through 12. Participants share their creative abilities, knowledge, and interests with other students. Experienced judges critique the projects for qualities including scientific method, content, clarity of presentation, and originality.

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Bear River Student Center News

March 6, 2024

Springs’ Bear River Student Center held its annual practice of reading the book “Stone Soup” by Vice Principal Renee Gooding to students one class at a time. Each grade level then contributes a canned ingredient which is made into soup to be enjoyed with families during a picnic lunch.

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