Robin Felix, an academy teacher at the Temecula Student Center, has received a $2,500 Western Governors University (WGU) scholarship to help fund her master’s degree.
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Springs’ educational field trips are an effective way for students and parents to incorporate notable aspects of the community into their personalized learning program. The pandemic has curtailed Springs’ ability to offer field trip opportunities in the new school year, but there are some field trips that are being offered with the possibility of more to come.
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More than 300 families participated in Springs’ annual Parent Ignite Conference held in August. In the morning, parents were inspired by a presentation about Springs’ theme of PLAY from Dr. Kathleen Hermsmeyer, superintendent, heard an achievement update by Dr. Vivian Price, and enjoyed the keynote address by Dr. Debbie Silver.
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Many of Springs’ Nation students began their schooling journey in one of Springs Individualized Learning Programs, reported Senior Director Tammy Jackson. Homeschool families have options to meet families in person or virtually. She said, “KEYS students and students enrolled in Learning Center classes have ventured back to our sites and are enjoying seeing their friends and teachers.
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Corona Student Center Principal E.J. Whitehead reports that the new school year brings with it some important staffing changes. The school’s 6/7 teacher, Marlene Cummins, returns to the Center after a year away. Alexis Bueno will be working in the Center’s 3/4 class with Nicole Newman. Marcela Roseberry will be joining the team as a 1:1 aide.
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Kasandra Hammerle, 14, of Springs’ Renaissance Valley Academy is the September 2021 Student Artist of the Month. She has been part of Springs since kindergarten and is beginning the 9th grade. She lives in Hemet.
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Springs’ Renaissance Valley Academy is expanding its sports-related program offerings to students with new pilot programs for cheerleading, E-Sports, Sports Photography, and Marketing and golf.
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Springs KEYS graduate Nicole Thompson won second place for her entry (pictured) in the 9-12th grade competition of the Mental Health Matters Poster Contest presented by the Riverside County Office of Education.
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The staff and students of Springs’ Rancho Cucamonga Student Center will be participating in Global Read Aloud, reported Principal Colette Bozek.
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Springs’ Vista Student Center Mosaic Academy is growing, adding another teacher and day of in-person instruction. Mosaic serves grades TK-8 and is a three-day classroom, homeschool-hybrid model for those who want a highly supported homeschool with classroom support.
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