Space Exploration Class Offered at Springs’ Learning Centers

Teacher Jennifer Graham offers a Space Exploration Class to 3rd through 6th grade students at Springs’ Enterprise and Otay Ranch Learning Centers.  In one lesson, for example, she demonstrates how protecting an egg relates to real-world challenges faced by engineers who design things like bike helmets, space crafts, and Mars landers.

The students worked with partners to design a “landing craft” that protected their “Eggstronaut” while taking flight from the two-story story balcony of the Enterprise building.  Students tested to see if their invention worked and wrote about the results.

Mrs. Graham explained how the egg-drop experiment is like a real spacecraft.  She observed, “As an object falls toward a planet or moon, gravity pulls it, causing it to accelerate until it impacts the surface.  Planets with atmospheres create friction with the spacecraft, which slows the re-entry.”  The students used ideas engineers use in designing spacecraft, she said, taking advantage of air resistance by creating a wide base and using parachutes and wings.

Mrs. Graham remarked, “It was so much fun to see the kids fully engaged and communicating about the best way to build their landing craft without their ‘Eggstronaut’ cracking on impact. They naturally came up with ideas about gravity, uplift/air resistance, force, and acceleration. They were so excited before, during, and after the experiment. What a great way to learn science concepts!”

Space Exploration class is taught at all of Springs’ TK-8 Learning Centers.  Students may join at any time. Go to Bookmart (Learning Center (TK-12) ( to sign up for a class.

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