Student Profile: Elizabeth O’Connor

Elizabeth O’Connor, age 6, of Lake Arrowhead is a Homeschool student in the 1st grade.  Her mother, Michelle, observed, “Elizabeth is enthusiastic about and learning and about Homeschool.  She loves hands-on learning and really applies herself.”  She also likes to assist her four-year-old brother, John Paul, who is pre-K but has worked through some of the Homeschool curriculum for kindergarten.

Elizabeth O'Connor

Michelle continued, “Elizabeth was born with a kind heart, and she loves to make sure everyone is included, that no one feels left out.  She has a zest for life and exploring new things and LOVES hands on learning.  She is nurturing and wants to help teach her brothers (and her soon-to-be-born baby sister). She really wants to do what she does well and loves that feedback that she has done a great job.”

Michelle is in her second year of Homeschool, having homeschooled Elizabeth last year in kindergarten.  She selected Springs Charter Schools because of its reputation of supporting parents who homeschool and “its emphasis on parent choice in curriculum and teaching their children.”

She especially likes working with her Education Specialist, Nadia Phillips.  The curriculum she has chosen with Elizabeth has worked well for the family, and includes field trips and extracurricular activities and events.  Michelle observed, “Nadia has been a great source of information and ideas for us on curriculum, books and resources given Elizabeth’s interest and learning style.”

To assist her in becoming a Homeschool mom, Michelle read The Well-Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise and 101 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum by Cathy Duffy.  She related, “The combination of the two books was just what I needed.  It really helped me eliminate about 90% of the curriculum out there (I was a bit overwhelmed before that) and helped me hone in on which options had the best chance of working well for us.”

She advised Homeschool parents not to “do public school at home.”  She explained, “This is your chance to learn about your child’s learning style (and your teaching style) and really have fun with it.  It is your chance to embark on a learning adventure with your little ones.  You will learn so much, they will learn so much, and you will grow so close to them.  It is wonderful.”

When not in school, Elizabeth takes weekly classes in gymnastics and ballet.  She also has an interest in basketball, softball and soccer.  The family also likes the opportunity to get together weekly with other Homeschool families for both teaching and enjoying the pool.  Michelle remarked, “Elizabeth met her best friend there.  We look forward to it all week!”


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