Caleb Spranger, 17, is a former Springs Homeschool student. He is in the 12th grade and lives in Hemet. He first went to Springs in the 6th grade. He said, “I liked Springs and it worked out well for me, especially since I work. It made my schedule more flexible for that.”
Caleb has had an interest in photography throughout his life, and even saved his money to buy a DSLR camera. He likes photography, he said, because “I can show people how I see the world through my eyes. It gives people different perspectives on the world they might otherwise miss.” The equipment he uses includes a camera, battery packs, an SD card, tripod and a backpack camera bag to carry his equipment.
In addition to photography, he enjoys riding dirt bikes and playing volleyball. He also sometimes plays guitar as part of his church’s high school worship team. |