Springs Summit Draws 900 Educators

Educators across Springs from Education and Student Services came together for a day of staff development during Springs’ 5th Annual SCS Personalized Learning Summit, reported Tamara Rose, Director of Professional Learning and Development. The summit was a time for educators to build relationships, network in their school/program communities, and get recharged for the remainder of the school year.

Principals hosted educators in person on their sites and facilitated fun welcome activities. Senior Director of ILP Programs Tammy Jackson welcomed all ILP staff and facilitated engaging virtual activities. Once together, Tamara kicked off the summit with an invitation to reflect on why attendees were called to the education profession and to remember the power of a teacher with a TedXYale video by Adam Saenz

Following the welcome activities and kick-off, educators were dismissed to two tracks: Conscious Classroom Management facilitated by Katie Anderson, and Agile Brain presented by Nicole Lipkin. Attendees in the three-hour classroom management webinar were given practical tools and strategies for behavior, classroom routines, and procedures for classroom management. Attendees in the Agile Brain presentation were given strategies and research to build mental agility and overall wellness.

Closing the day, principals and ILP directors facilitated Duty of Care training for all staff. In this training, participants learn the legal responsibilities of safety regarding our school communities. 

The summit hosted over 900 educators from across the country with teachers joining virtually and on school campuses. The theme for this year’s summit was, “The Spirit of Springs, Valuing Our Children and our Educators.” Tamara concluded, “The content of the day was designed with this theme in mind demonstrating once again why Springs Charter Schools is the Greatest School on Earth and the best place to work!”

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