Magnolia Teen is an “Amazing Artist”

Eileen Solorzano, 13, a former 9th-grade student at Magnolia Student Center, is an “amazing artist,” said her principal, Beverly Voechting. One of her most impressive recent creations is an owl made with leaves (pictured).


The Riverside resident has had an interest in art since age 8. She likes to experiment with different art media, she said, trying to “see and create things in my mind the way I want them to be done and experiment with the possibilities of creating something different.”

Over the summer, she plans on working with fluid acrylic paint, clay, oil paint, and jewelry. She said, “I strive to have my own sense of art style that expresses my thoughts and how I perceive the world through my eyes onto my artwork.”

Her other creative interests include working with Photoshop, photography, poetry, and writing.

Springs has been a good fit for her, she added, as “the program has helped me to develop my personality as well as my study habits.”

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