Empire Springs Student Loves Acting

Madison Hall, age 12, of Empire Springs’ Venture Online Academy is a young actress, appearing in both television commercials and on programs. 

Madison Hall

She is entering the 7th grade and beginning her second year at Springs.  She said, “My passion is acting but I’m not sure what I want to do yet!  Maybe a detective?  Who knows?”

Madison likes Springs; her favorite subject is language.  She likes the availability of the teachers, and noted, “I love that if I have to miss a day it is really easy to catch up, and if I want to I can work and get ahead.  It has helped me be more productive by challenging me to keep on track.”

Her father is in the military, and the family has relocated 11 times and she’s attended eight different schools.  Despite the challenges she said that her dad is her hero “not just because he is in the army and fought for our country, but because he shows me how to be a good person and never give up on anything.”

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