Alumni Profile: Cal Poly SLO Student Megan Chan

Springs alumna Megan Chan is being recognized for academic excellence as part Cal Poly San Luis Obispo’s Outstanding Student Awards Ceremony. She was previously a part of Springs’ Homeschool program.

Megan has big plans after she graduates. First, she’s taking a trip to Europe, and then she’ll start her career in Los Angeles as a technology consultant at Protiviti.

College has been “interesting and exciting.” She works on campus as a teacher’s assistant for a Database Management and System Design class. And, despite being an undergraduate student, she’s taught classes on simple coding and web design to her peers, which she describes as “one of the most exciting and amazing parts of my college career.”

She added that “I’ve been able to meet a lot of brilliant people through classes and other random campus events.”

Megan is active in a variety of social activities, including hip hop dance clubs and Chinese and Korean cultural clubs. Most of her weekends, she noted, are spent practicing, training, performing and hanging out with the Chinese Lion Dance Team.

She’s taken a variety of entertaining classes, including modern, jazz and ballet dance classes, as well as bowling, volleyball and Acroyoga classes. She noted, “Each of these classes has put me in a space to learn a new skill while meeting some awesome people and having a lot of fun.”

Other activities she enjoys include hiking, cooking and playing tabletop games; she also wants to learn guitar and longboard dance.

Megan’s academic and social activities, she concluded, have helped make college “a ton of fun.”


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