8th Grade Springs Student a Budding Sculptor

Eighth grade Homeschool student Cole Banas, 14, of Joshua Tree is a budding sculptor. He began at age 10 and uses metal and wood materials he finds to create such works of art as flowers and human figures.

Cole Banas  Cole art

He learned his craft from his father, Eric Banas, who is a professional sculptor. Cole said, “I enjoy working with my father, and participating in art tours with him.” Cole and his father have displayed their work at the Hwy 62 Open Studio Art Tours, which displays the work of Morongo Basin artists. Their next art tour is in October, he said. Cole has been a homeschool student his entire life, and for the past 4 years has been part of Springs’ Homeschool program. His favorite subjects include art and health.
Click here to view his work.

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