News and Announcements

10 Ways to Keep Seat-Time Sacred

February 11, 2015

Each of us has chosen the lifestyle of schooling at home for different reasons … we have varying triumphs, motivations and struggles … but it seems each of us has a commonality: difficulty in managing schedules.  It is the plight of parenthood in today’s Western culture.  Continue reading

Literacy Night

February 10, 2015

We are having a literacy night at the Hemet Quest Student Center on March 5. At this event, parents and students are welcome to join word bingo, building literacy at home workshops, see projects and activities that academy students are completing, and other exciting activities to join. Continue reading

Homeschool Teen Earns HAM Radio License

January 5, 2015

Ian Phillips, age 13, a Homeschool student in the 8th grade, has passed an examination to obtain an FCC license to operate an amateur or HAM radio.  He studied for the examination with four friends from Boy Scouts, and earned a Boy Scout Radio merit badge for his efforts.  He’s now saving to purchase his own HAM radio. Continue reading

Daily Refreshment

October 23, 2014

The Daily Refreshment’s goal is to connect parents to our schools with something helpful for their students, coming to their email inboxes three times a week. It can be an upcoming festival in the community, an art competition, a fun book review, an inspirational quote or video, or the most inventive stuff to do with that leftover cardboard. We create these tidbits hoping you will find them useful, interesting, inspirational, fun, and quirky. Feel free to forward our Daily Refreshment to your family and friends, as well as sharing them on your social media.

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Assistant Superintendent Believes Multi-Age Classes Offer Many Benefits

September 19, 2014

Springs Charter Schools offer 65 multi-age (combination) classes, which serve 1,600 students of all grades and locations. While they can be formed for practical reasons, they are often intentionally created because they fit in well with the Springs’ philosophy of personalized learning for their students, said Deb Essel, Springs’ Assistant Superintendent of Education.
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Why Choose a Charter School?

September 2, 2014

I remember the look in Brianna’s eyes. Her tiny six-year-old frame seemed too young to have the look of defeat. It appeared her former teacher had given up on her. As a first grade teacher at a Los Angeles charter school, I saw many cases like this over the years. The public school shared a campus with our charter school at the time when Brianna’s mother decided to remove her from the public school and enroll her in our charter school. Brianna’s mother wanted something different for her daughter, something that would engage her, something that would inspire her—she wanted her child to enjoy school again. Continue reading

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