I hope you are having a good summer and are preparing for the return of your children to school. Between the pandemic and state budget-related issues our staff has been working hard to overcome many challenges this summer, but we very much look forward to welcoming our Springs families back in the upcoming weeks.
I’d like to once again encourage you to participate in the 17th annual Springs Parent IGNITE! Conference on Friday, August 21, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. We’re pleased to welcome our keynote speaker Susan Wise Bauer, author of The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home and publisher and editor-in-chief of Well-Trained Mind Press, which publishes K-12 resources for teaching in the classical tradition. She will host both a live keynote and two live break-out sessions.
The purpose of the conference is to inspire and encourage our parents and prepare them for an outstanding new school year. If you register, you will receive a Springs Hero Package in the mail prior to the event. For additional details and to register, click here.
Thank you for making Springs your charter school of choice. I realize that our current environment has created stress for many families with school-age children, but please be assured of our ongoing commitment, regardless of circumstances, to providing our students with an outstanding education.

Dr. Kathleen Hermsmeyer