News and Announcements

Murrieta Student Center Participates in Choose Love Movement

September 24, 2024

Springs Murrieta Student Center is participating in the Choose Love movement, reported Principal Julia Krisel, which “is a proactive solution that addresses the root cause of violence to prevent it before it starts.” The program seeks to create safer schools “by teaching students how to use nurturing, healing love in any circumstance.”

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Murrieta Student Center International Day

April 3, 2023

Springs’ Murrieta Student Center held an International Day with 16 classrooms each showcasing a different country and offering a glimpse into its culture, food, art, and activities. As part of the event, each student received a passport which they were encouraged to get stamped as they made their way around the classrooms. Families were also invited to attend and were encouraged to participate by visiting each country and sampling what they had to offer.

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Murrieta Play Day, New Handball Court

March 10, 2023

Murrieta Student Center students participated in Global Play Day having a “blast” participating in “unstructured” play, reported Program Facilitator Virginia Diaz. Additionally, the school has a new handball court students have enjoyed using.

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Journey Senior Named Student of the Month

October 21, 2022

Aiden Budwine is a Murrieta Chamber of Commerce Student of the Month. He is a senior with Journey Home School High School who has been part of Springs since 10th grade. He is taking advantage of being able to take dual enrollment college courses.

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MSC Hosts First Back to School Night

October 11, 2022

The Murrieta Student Center (MSC) back-to-school night was a success, reported Virginia Diaz, the program coordinator. It was the first such event at the site, and nearly every family in the school turned out. The school’s ASB raised funds by selling drinks and snacks, with funds to be used to pay the expenses of school dances.

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Murrieta Student Center Site Upgrade

September 13, 2022

The maintenance staff has been busy improving the facility for student instruction, reported Principal Julia Krisel. The site has new paint and flooring, signage and curriculum room for small group lessons. Continue reading

Murrieta Flamingo Fling, Career Day

June 7, 2022
Springs’ Murrieta Student Center had a “Flamingo Fling” to celebrate the end of the school year which included water slides, bounce houses, spin art, a glitter body artist, art gala, and games, including a water balloon toss.

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Murrieta Student Center Reading Fundraiser

March 17, 2022

Springs’ Murrieta Student Center held a Read-a-Thon which raised $7,950 for the school. Students TK-8 participated, asking family and friends to donate for minutes read. Ryder White was the top reader; Riley Hubbell raised the most money.

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Murrieta Student Center Kindness Doors

February 14, 2022

Springs’ Murrieta Student Center had a Kindness Door competition. All classrooms in the school participated, with teacher Kristen Boyts’ class taking first place. Students received a class party and office supplies. (Pictured on the left: Mrs. Boyts’ door)

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