Students Perform in Colonial Williamsburg

Springs Homeschool students Ian Phillips (8th grade), Catrina Richter (6th) and Nathan Phillips (5th) traveled to Colonial Williamsburg,

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Virginia to participate in Drummers Call, an event which features fife and drum corps performances.  Colonial Williamsburg is a living history museum and historical landmark which features historic buildings from the days of America’s founding.  Student Jayden Garland (4th), whose father formed the Corps 14 years ago, also attended with his family.

The top 12 fife and drum corps in the nation were invited to participate, including the Mountain Fifes and Drums of Lake Arrowhead, of which the Springs students were a part.  The Springs students marched down Duke of Gloucester Street, the main street through Colonial Williamsburg, and performed a field show for hundreds of visitors.

Springs students participated in fundraisers and collected donations so that all 35 members of the Mountain Fifes and Drums of Lake Arrowhead could make the trip to Virginia.  While there, they visited other historical sites, including Jamestown, Yorktown and Monticello.

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