Journey Program Junior Learns ASL

Gwyneth McIntyre, a junior with Springs’ Journey High School Program, was inspired by her time in the site-based Springs Learning Centers to begin a long academic career and personal interest in American Sign Language (ASL). She used baby-sign as a toddler and always liked the quiet way of communication, so when an ASL class came up on the Riverside Student Center schedule in her early elementary years, she excitedly joined. She thrived and really enjoyed taking ASL classes for multiple years at RSC, and even made some deaf friendships in the Riverside area due to her language skills learned in class.

Motivated to build those friendships she took ASL at the high school level in 8th grade through the K-8 Homeschool Program using a Canvas course offered at Springs. Still desiring to continue her language journey she enrolled in Chaffey Online for ASL-2 once in high school, and now continues with in-person college ASL classes at Riverside City College as concurrent enrollment classes with her Springs Journey Homeschool classes. She is working to finish ASL levels 1-4 before graduation from Springs in 2024, and possibly receive a bi-literacy certificate to accompany her diploma.

After high school, her plan is to continue on to an AS Degree in ASL, and then certification with the Registry for the Interpreters of the Deaf. Thanks to her experiences as a young child with RSC classes she has been set on a life-long journey to impact the Deaf community with her learning.

Gwyneth McIntyre Journey Program Junior Learning ASL

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