Former U.S. President Writes Springs Student

River Springs Charter School Temecula Student Center student Alisha Serviss received a hand-written note from former President Jimmy Carter about the Iran Hostage Crisis (1979-81).  Alisha had chosen the crisis for her History Day project and written President Carter about the crisis; he responded in April.

At River Springs Charter School, 10th and 11th grade students are required to complete a first semester project based on a subject chosen by the National History Day Foundation.  This year, the subject title was “Leadership and Legacy in History.”

Alisha’s teacher suggested she contact people who were directly involved in the crisis; Alisha mailed five questions to President Carter in January.  While waiting for his response, Alisha’s project moved through different levels of competition, including the district and county, with the state competition in May.  Alisha was delighted to receive a response, and added it to her state competition presentation.

Alisha’s questions/President Carter’s answers:

  1. What was the most difficult decision you had to make at the time?  How did you go about making this decision?  Not to use military force.
  2. Looking back, is there anything you would change or do differently?  I would send one more helicopter on the rescue mission.
  3. How accurately did you feel the American press portrayed the events surrounding the crisis?  Everything combined, the coverage seemed accurate.
  4. How has the Iran Hostage Crisis affected your personal life?  It cost me reelection – but later years have been wonderful.
  5. How do you feel this crisis has affected U.S. policy with Iran today?  We should have reestablished diplomatic relations but have not.  Best wishes, Jimmy C.

Debbie Thurston, Real World Academy Coordinator for Springs Charter Schools – Temecula Student Center, said, “For President Carter, he has no idea what an impact he has left on a group of students who have a whole new appreciation for their education.”

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