Cherry Valley Campaign, Character Building Assembly

Springs’ Cherry Valley Student Center had a week of student council campaigning, speeches, and voting as students ran for president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and class representative, reported Principal Tammy Slaten. The week included candidate speeches followed by electronic voting by students.

The Center also held a Character Building Assembly, added Tammy. During monthly assemblies, she wrote, the school focuses on “the importance of REACHING for our Core Values; RESPECT & Teamwork, EMPATHY & walking in someone else’s shoes, ACCEPTANCE & understanding differences, COMMITMENT & the strength to move forward, and HONESTY & making ourselves proud.”

Cherry Valley Elections

The Center’s REACH Core Value Student Assemblies are held at the beginning of each month followed by an award assembly in which recipient parents are invited to attend. Tammy said, “We believe it is our high student behavior expectations and our mindfulness to these Character Build Assemblies and REACH CORE VALUES that help reduce/avoid many concerning issues that other schools/campuses might experience, allowing us to develop a positive, warm loving environment where students feel comfortable to learn.”

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