The Cat in the Hat Visits the Otay Ranch Student Center

Tami Foster, the site facilitator for the Otay Ranch Student Center, reported, “Principal Philip Parks’ good friend, The Cat in the Hat, came to visit Otay Ranch Academy for the Arts.

The Cat made the rounds to Kindergarten through 4th Grade. He read what he called, ‘One of the greatest pieces of American literature and his life story, The Cat in the Hat.’ The Cat shared that his life story was written by another good friend of his, Dr. Seuss. The Cat in the Hat came to read to ORAA to celebrate Read Across America and to honor Dr. Seuss’s birthday.” ‘Many people often mistake The Cat in the Hat for Mr. Parks, but when the students asked The Cat if he was really Mr. Parks, he replied, ‘Good gracious, no – but thank you because I think Mr. Parks is really handsome!’ Just another adventure at Otay Ranch Academy for the Arts.”


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