Program Helps Staff Identify, Pursue Best Educational Pathways

In an effort to help employees achieve their educational and career goals, in 2017 Springs launched its Employee Education Support Program.  Since then more than 600 have taken advantage of the educational opportunities offered to them, reported Annette Butler, the program’s founder.

Springs’ Director of Payroll Heather Dugan, whose story was featured previously in the Springs eNewsletter (click here to read it). “I earned two associates degrees at no cost other than books, with the help of the Employee Education Support Program.” noted Heather.

Heather Dugan as graduate

Over the years Annette has gained a wealth of knowledge of educational programs across the country, she said, and has negotiated on behalf of Springs so that Springs employees may attend those schools with scholarships and grants at significantly reduced rates. She gave the example of employees desiring to earn doctorates, which may cost the typical student $60,000; she has discovered pathways so that the student may earn the same degree for as little as $22,000.

As most employees who come to her are working full-time, she is also able to recommend alternative ways of attending college, such as at night or online, as well as traditional lectures on-site during daytime hours. Among her chief goals, she said, was helping employees earn degrees without acquiring significant debt, which might otherwise be financially crippling in the years following graduation. She explained, “I begin by asking those who come to me where they’d like to be in five to 10 years, and then I’m able to suggest the least expensive pathways to achieve their goals.”

She can also help identify the right educational program which would help one attain a particular career goal, as some students earn degrees which ultimately do not help them secure the particular jobs they wish. She said, “I am often able to suggest programs and opportunities that they don’t know exist.”

To inquire about the Employee Education Support Program email All conversations are confidential.

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