Stephanie “Stevie” Heiliger

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Stephanie “Stevie” Heiliger

Areas of Expertise:

Business Finances, Structure and Process Implementation, Administration and Management and Political Systems



B.A. in Political Science with an emphasis in Constitutional Law from California State University Long Beach, Intuit Quickbooks Proadvisor


Volunteer Experience:

Secretary of the Board for Return With Freedom, Inc., Secretary of the Board for Reclaim You Now, Inc.



Stevie is most importantly a wife to a wonderful man and mother of three spirited children who all attend and love the River Springs Schools. She has been a Californian her entire life and truly loves this state.

She began her drive to advocate for the charter system after seeing the life changing experience her eldest child had moving into River Springs from the traditional public school system. Stevie is passionate in the belief that children need, and deserve to have a choice in how they learn best. Stevie has over 20 years of financial, administrative, and management experience and specializes in non-profits and small business processes, infrastructure and financial management. Outside of work, Stevie enjoys spending time with her family and close friends, small get-aways to her favorite spots, and volunteering in the Marriage Enrichment Ministry that she leads with her husband.


    We have had a great deal of freedom in choosing how to reach the State standards.

    - J.McCollom, Parent
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