Springs’ Hemet Quest Academy, which serves grades TK-6, celebrated Grandparents Day. Continue reading →
The Hemet Quest Academy offers a Come Read with Me program on Tuesdays. Current and prospective families spend these days “making connections and sharing a love of reading,” reported Jennifer Martin, principal. Continue reading →
Springs’ Hemet Student Centers held a Back to School block party with 200 in attendance, including Hemet mayor Linda Krupa and city council member Karlee Meyer. Continue reading →
Please click here to see the 2017-18 student supply list.
Thank you for visiting our webpage. We have so many exciting activities and ways to get involved this summer. I hope that you come and join us for a tour, an ice cream social, Come Read with Me, or any of the several ways to celebrate our school community! Continue reading →
High school students at the Hemet Student Centers enjoyed a hands-on entomology presentation. Graduate students from UC Riverside’s entomology department visited the school with stick bugs, large cockroaches, and tarantulas, some of which the students were able to handle. Continue reading →
Attention Hemet River Springs Families,
This message is for our Hemet Quest Academy Students (TK-8th):
Due to a water line break near the Acacia building this morning, the city of Hemet must shut down the water system for the day. Continue reading →
A new kitchen is being built in the Hemet Student Center’s Acacia A building. It will enable the Center to offer meals through the National School Lunch Program, which provides free or reduced price meals for students who financially qualify. Continue reading →
Please click here to see and print the lists.
Springs Charter Schools FIRST Robotics Competition teams Cyborg Zombies (Team 3470, Temecula) and Pallindrones (Team 4114, Hemet) invite you to see last year’s competition as part of prime time television. Continue reading →