Have you been involved in theatre productions through SPRINGS and/or your community? We invite all 7th-12th grade students in any of our programs or academies from any of our cities to join our Theatre Honor Society! If you have theatre experience in your previous school year, we want you to be a part of this International Honor Society of Actors. This prestigious honor brings a lifetime of membership, possible scholarships, a valuable addition to college applications, a monthly meeting with fellow Springs actors, theater outings, and graduation honors to wear with your cap and gown!
Our schedule of meetings will be:
October 14
November 18 (Changed due to Holiday)
December 9
January 13
February 10
March 10
April 14
May 12
Thespian Leadership Cabinet: Friday, September 23
All monthly meetings will be from 3:45 to 5:30 p.m. in the MPR of the Temecula Student Center, 43040 Margarita Road, Temecula, CA 92592
Please read here (coming soon) about our troupe and contact thespians@sprincscs.org for more information and to get details on our meetings. You do not need to attend meetings to gain membership, but it does make it more fun! There is a $30 induction fee (one time) and $20 dues (yearly) that will be due at your first meeting/induction. Educational Theatre Association is a vendor with SPRINGS Homeschool if you’d like to do a PO through your Homeschool ES.
Add your eligibility points to see if you have enough theatre experience in your previous school year in order to be initiated this year. Ten points are needed and you can print the Thespian Induction Points System page here to determine your eligibility.
Please fill out the application below to become a member of our society. You can download this invitation and registration fee form. Please fill it out and email thespians@sprincscs.org to get a mailing address. Payment can be made to Springs Charter Schools in person or arranged through email if you are unable to attend meetings.
What the Springs Troupe will look like:
- Meetings on the 2nd Friday of the month September through May 3:45-5:30 at the Temecula Student Center.
- Elected Officer Positions from live attendees of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Historian/Event Coordinator.
- Induction Ceremony each year after showing earned points and paying $30 induction fee (one time) and $20 dues (yearly).
- Perks: Thespian Pin, possible ribbons/letters/grad stoles/grad cords as earned, magazine subscription to Dramatics, member card, bumper sticker
- Possible Opportunities: CA Thespian conference, outings to theatre shows as a group, scholarships and grants for college, resume addition for college application
- Information on local in-school and in-community opportunities to audition or work backstage in productions.
- Meeting activities to include theatre skill games, performance practice, and guest speakers on topics such as a successful audition, building a repertoire, makeup techniques, etc.
We hope to help you build community with your fellow Springs Actors through Thespians!